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    Connecting to NHS Organisations

    533 15 Created on 2020-01-16 15:16:31; Last updated on 2024-02-01 11:29:24

    IMPORTANT: NHS SBS client organisations will show on Tradeshift in capital letters with their three digit organisation code in brackets e.g NHS NENE CCG (04G), with the NHS Shared Business Services logo.

    We will normally email you within 2 working days to confirm that you are connected. 

    Please see this guide on how to send your NHS organisation a connection request. 

    This guide has details about how to accept a connection request.

    Please note you will need to set up as a supplier to the NHS organisation you wish to invoice before we can connect your Tradeshift account. If you have been paid by this NHS organisation previously, then you should already be set up. If you have not previously been paid then please speak to your contact at the NHS organisation and ask them to confirm that you are set upon the payment system.

    Watch the below video to learn how to sign up for a Tradeshift account, connect with companies on the platform, and send your first invoice:

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