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    How do I connect to NHS SBS?

    1097 56 Created on 2020-01-16 13:18:23; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:11

    After you have created your Tradeshift account you can request a connection by going to the Network App, choosing the Tradeshift Network tab and searching for the NHS organisation that you want to connect to. Please note that although NHS SBS processes invoices on behalf of our NHS clients, it is the NHS organisation that you want to invoice that you need to request the connection to.

    All of the correct connections to our NHS clients will show on the Tradeshift Network with the name of the NHS organisation, their unique code in brackets and the NHS SBS logo. Please note that all NHS SBS client organisations will show on Tradeshift in capital letters with their three digit organisation code in brackets e.g NHS NENE CCG (04G), with the NHS Shared Business Services logo.

    You must already be set up as a supplier with the organisation you want to invoice before we can connect your Tradeshift account. If we receive a connection request and are unable to find you set up with that NHS organisation then we email you to request further information, such as previously paid invoice from them.

    If it is the first time you are invoicing one of our NHS clients, it may be worth checking with your contact in that organisation that they have already set up a supplier file for you on our payment system.

    For some suppliers Tradeshift will be creating accounts and sending activation links on our behalf.  Please make sure you can accept emails from the domain. The connection process is very easy once you receive this; simply click on the activation link and you’ll be asked to complete your details.  Remember, the more information you complete on your profile, the more it will stand out and the easier it will be for your other customers to find you. If you charge VAT on your invoices you should ensure that you enter your VAT registration number on your profile.

    Once you’ve done this you’re connected and can start sending invoices straight away.  Look at our step by step guide on how to send your first invoice here.

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