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    Account Creation and Set-up

    422 4 Created on 2020-01-16 15:09:05; Last updated on 2024-02-01 11:29:24

    1. The first step is to visit and fill in your details.

    We recommend that for Business Name you use the name that NHS SBS uses for you. This can be found on the top left of any Remittance Advice we have sent you.

    See screenshot below from the second page ‘Create your account’. If you are based in the UK then please change the Language from English (US) to English (UK).

    2. Once you are registered on Tradeshift, you need to connect to the NHS organisation you wish to send invoices to. To do this, go to ‘Network’ on the left and go the ‘TRADESHIFT NETWORK’ tab and search for the organisation you want to connect to. Please note that all NHS SBS client organisations will show on Tradeshift in capital letters with their three digit organistion code in brackets e.g NHS NENE CCG (04G), with the NHS Shared Business Services logo. Click on the ‘Connect’ button to connect your account to the NHS organistion selected.

    After you click on ‘Connect’ the Status will change to ‘Invitation Sent’. We will normally email you within 2 working days to confirm that you are connected.

    3. Please note you will need to set up as a supplier to the NHS organisation you wish to invoice before we can connect your Tradeshift account. If you have been paid by this NHS organisation previously, then you should already be set up. If you have not previously been paid then please speak to your contact at the NHS organisation and ask them to confirm that you are set upon the payment system. If not, then the NHS organisation will need to set you up before we can connect your account.

    4. When your account has been connected you will receive an email asking you to ‘Accept’ the connection. There is a link on the email that will take yourt hrough to your ‘Tasks’ where you can accept the connection or you can go into your ‘Network’ – ‘TRADESHIFT NETWORK’ and click on the ‘Accept’ button. Once you have accpeted the connection the NHS organisation will then show in ‘My Network’

    Additionally, if you then go into ‘Profile’ on the main menu you should fill in your address details under ‘Company address’ Please note that it is important to fill in your VAT number, if you have one, in the ‘Company Identifiers’ section,’. If you do not have one then you can leave this blank. The minimum information you need on your Profile is Company Name, Company Address and VAT REG. NO, if you are charging VAT on your invoices. The other fields you can leave blank or complete as you wish.

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