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    Methods of Sending

    233 4 Created on 2020-01-16 14:58:53; Last updated on 2024-02-01 11:29:24

    There are two ways in which you can send invoices via Tradeshift.

    • One is the ‘Portal’ method, as detailed within this guide. On which you can input your invoice directly onto the Tradeshift website.
    • The other method is to ‘Integrate’. In this instance invoice data is exported from your accounting system and uploaded onto a server provided by Tradeshift. The data is then mapped to produce an electronic invoice. This method is more appropriate for large volume suppliers. Tradeshift and NHS SBS will work with you and your IT department to implement.
    • There is also the option to Autocomplete from Document – this is generally used where you already have an invoice document you want to upload. However, you will need to check that the system has accurately picked up the details of your document before sending. If you find that checking the documents created from the ‘Document uploader’ is too time consuming then we suggest that you create a ‘Cover Page’ document, which works just as well, and can be quicker. There is a guide for this on page 16 of this guide.

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