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    What happens if I don’t provide the correct information on an invoice?

    110 8 Created on 2020-01-16 14:03:08; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:11

    Invoices transfer into our payment system for our NHS clients to approve or match to a PO number if one is provided. If anything is missing or incorrect, you may be contacted directly by your NHS customer or by NHS SBS. If your invoice is cancelled on our payment system, this will show on Tradeshift as ‘Rejected’. If want to check why your invoice has been cancelled, please contact our Payables Team on or call 0303 123 1177 Option 2.


     Please note that a common reason for invoices to be cancelled is because they are duplicates of invoices that have already been received in the post. If you have already submitted an invoice in the post and it has not been paid, please check with our Payables Team before resending it via Tradeshift.

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