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    What are the validation rules?

    531 28 Created on 2020-01-16 13:37:22; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:11

    The validation rules are in place to ensure that NHS SBS has all the information they need to process your invoices.  This means that there will be no delays in processing your payment once you invoice us. 


    The validation rules are detailed below:


    Invoice date: Invoice date cannot be 14 days in advance of the current date. There is no limitation on older dated invoices. This also applies to credit notes. 

    Invoice Number: Invoice numbers can only be numbers and /or upper case letters. No spaces or other characters can be used. Invoice numbers can only have a maximum 30 of characters. Anything else will be will highlighted as error and you will need to amend it before it will send. The Tradeshift system will also prevent you prevent you sending duplicate invoice numbers. 

    Credit Note Number: Credit Note numbers follow the same rules as invoice numbers. Although the Tradeshift system will not prevent you from using the same number on your credit note that you have used on an invoice, NHS SBS will not be able to process these and they will flag on our payment system as duplicates. So please ensure your credit notes are numbered differently to any invoices you have submitted.  

    PO number: Where you have been provided with a purchase order by your customer it must be entered in the correct field on Tradeshift. Only purchase orders from the NHS organisation you are invoicing will be accepted. If you do not have a PO number, you can leave this field blank (or use an XX ref – see below) except when your customer has determined that they will only accept invoices with a PO number. In this case, if you do not enter a PO number, your invoice will not send and it will highlight an error in the PO field. 

    XX Reference: If you have been provided XX reference by your customer you should enter this in the correct field. If you do not have an XX reference you can leave this field blank, unless a PO number is required. 

    Attachments: We are only able to accept PDF attachments or the following image files: gif, tiff, jpeg or png.


    It is important to note that there are some standard fields on invoices which are not forwarded to NHS SBS from the Tradeshift platform (i.e. not visible in the web interface and simply ignored in the case of EDI files). They are:


    Invoice due date: Payment terms as agreed with your customer are held on your supplier file on our payment system and therefore are not necessary within the individual invoice. These can only be amended by contacting relevant NHS organisation directly. 

    Payment details: These are held on your supplier file on our payment system and cannot be updated via Tradeshift 

    Address details: These are held on your supplier file on our payment system and cannot be updated via Tradeshift.  The address details on your Tradeshift invoice will come from what is set up in your ‘Profile’


    There are also some “standard fields” visible on the web interface, which can be used, but do not transfer into our payment system. They will however appear on the invoice image so your customer can see them.


    On header level, they are:

    • Exchange Rate
    • Cost Center
    • Person Reference
    • Transport Reference
    • File Id
    • Customer Account Id
    • Tax Point Date


    On line level, they are:

    • Transport Reference
    • File Id
    • Tax exemption Reason
    • Order/Req. no
    • Requisition line number
    • Cost Center

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